Sunday, 23 January 2011

Tapas and Catalan cuisine

Empordians take their food very seriously and at 1pm on the dot everything stops for lunch. Dining out is a way of life for Catalan people and the  menú del Dia provides a three course meal for around €10, which is excellent value. 

Regional dishes are a rich part of Spain’s culture and the Catalans have their own specialities to delight their visitors. Look out for the

  • Esqueixada de bacallà (salted cod, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, olives, olive oil and a little salt) 
  • Farcellets  (cabbage stuffed with fish and seafood)

Vegetarians fare better in Catalonia than they do in much of Spain. An old joke is that Vegetarian in Spanish translates as a little less meat. Examples of popular vegetarian dishes include,

  • escalivada (baked peppers, aubergines and onions)
  • samfaina (fried aubergines, courgette, tomatoes and onions).

Pork butchery in Catalonia is highly prized and products such as

  • botifarra – Sausage packed with pork meat and a little seasoning. Often served with white beans.

Cold cuts such as,

  • fuets, somalles, bulls, bisbes are popular tapas dishes

  • Jamón ibérico or pata negra (salt cured Iberian ham) which is highly prized by gourmets is always available, ask the owner which is their best ham in pata negra you really can taste the diference. Local Catalan ham is called Pernil and you may also see pernil dulce a sweeter cured version.

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